Is White Witchcraft Innocent? Ivana Gibbons Shares Her Past With Anh And Kathleen Le.

Ivana Gibbons

”Are tarot cards and fortune telling innocent fun or demonic? Ivana Gibbons was fascinated with having all of these things done and thought nothing was wrong with it.

She then met a witch doctor who did a spiritual ritual and afterward she started to question if any of the things she was involved with were ok. Find out how a severe migraine took her down a desperate path for months as she was trying to find healing.

On Monday, February 11th at 7pm on our Real Life Radio Show Facebook page we posted our live interview with Ivana. Please share!”

Real Life Radio Show  with hosts Anh and Kathleen Le.

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FOR MORE ABOUT: Laura Maxwell’s TV and Radio Shows, publications, speaking engagements, etc, please see her blog at


Former New Age Spiritualist, Laura graduated from Strathclyde University, Scotland, earning a BA Honors degree in Psychology.

Many thanks for taking time to read and share the above post. For similar posts and more about Laura, please visit her blog Our Spiritual Quest.


Laura Maxwell does not necessarily agree with all the information and conclusions presented by friends, guest articles on her blog, TV or radio interviews or her own radio show.

Laura is not paid for writing in books, magazines or appearing on TV, radio or at events. All of her work is of a voluntary nature.

Click on this LINK to see some of her TV interviews.

During a LIVE show on Revelation TV – satellite across Europe, USA and beyond. Plus online.










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About Laura Maxwell

Speaker | Author | Radio Host. (Ex New Age Spiritualist). From her inside knowledge and experience as an ex new age spiritualist, Laura shares the truth and dangers of New Age, Witchcraft and the Occult, plus their Luciferian, Lucis Trust and UN links to the New World Order's global spiritual agenda. Laura graduated from Strathclyde University with a BA Honors degree in Psychology. She is the founder of international ministry A Spiritual Quest, based in Scotland. For her TV and radio shows, blog, publications, etc, see
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