Halloween: Ex Satanist’s Warnings, Carrie Shares Openly.

Carrie Christian when still a Satanist.

I asked Ex Satanist, Carrie Christian, to share her testimony on my blog a few years ago. You can see it here:

Carrie Secretly Worked For A Satanist Coven While High Priestess In Her Witchcraft Coven: She Reveals All.

She very kindly just wrote the following article for my blog. As an ex occultist myself, I share her views and am very grateful she submitted this article. Laura Maxwell, Ex New Age Spiritualist. 

(Photo by Brett Sayles on Pexels.com)

With Eyes like a Hawk: A Warning From A Former Witch/Satanist Of 23 Years. By Carrie Christian.

‘When I began to write this blog post directed towards the celebration of Halloween, I prayed asking the Lord for direction and guidance. I always want to be led by the Holy Spirit and let the Lord give me the words. While praying and seeking direction, the below verse is what He led me to. I will explain the significance of it in a moment.

“The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world, would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy should have entered into the gates of Jerusalem” – Lamentations 4:12 KJV

A Brief Background.

First, let me give you a brief background on myself and tell of my practices as a witch during the time of Samhain (Halloween falls amid this). I was drawn into witchcraft after an event that happened when I was seven years old begin to draw me to supernatural means of finding what I deemed an acceptable answer.

Carrie Christian when still a Witch.

I had seen a manifestation of my grandfather who had just passed away that was so real that I could have reached out and touched him. As a preteen, this memory of this manifestation begins to haunt my mind. I sought out my Sunday school teacher for an answer as to why this had occurred and her response was “it wasn’t him, it was a demon, don’t seek after it”.

Sadly, I did I did not heed her warning. The bait was set by the enemy and he would use it to get me to open a door. My curiosity led me to a friend that showed me how to make a Ouija Board and how to use it, and then it was on from there.

My curiosity grew more intense with time. I began practicing wicca, which after some years just did not appease me anymore… I wanted more. When one path got tiring and old, I would begin another… integrating them together. I blended celtic magick, satanism, luciferism and voodoo to try to gain as much “power” as possible.

Carrie Christian when still a Satanist.

If it was dark, I craved it… a hunger that just drove me to the point where I had no conscience, no shame, no guilt… I was so numb inside. All it took was an open door… a curiosity… a participation… remember this!

So What With Halloween?

Samhain begins the last days of October and continues into the first days of November, Halloween falling in the middle of this. Samhain was a time that as a witch I believed that the veil between the spirit world and our own was the thinnest. This permitted the spirits to freely come through.

This is also the witch’s new year, so as the wheel began to turn again, intentions for the coming year were sent out at this time.

Witchcraft Ritual.

These days were deemed the time when magick was most powerful. During my years as a witch and celebrating Samhain, they typically occurred in similar process. On October 31st, gathering as a coven, we donned our robes. An altar table covered in a black cloth and a pentacle, (pentagram), in the center would be prepared.

The circle would be cast and candles would be lit, herbs would be burnt, salt and blessed water presented. Photos of ones passed would be displayed, offerings would be set before them. Intentions would be set for the new year and magick desired would be worked during this time.

As I got into darker practices, my participation on Samhain would also become more demented and darker. Invoking demonic spirits to empower, indulging in lustful desires, blood letting, etc. (Due to unknown audience of this post I will leave it at that). I had descended down into such a darkness.


I became so broken, so lost, so numb. I was suicidal, beaten down, intoxicating myself in order to fall asleep.

But an encounter with a pastor who kept telling me that Jesus loved me changed my whole life. Jesus came looking for me. He found me in my darkest.

The Lord used those three simple words to break through my stony heart.

I surrendered my life to Jesus and He has changed me. I am no longer the old me, but a NEW creation in Christ. He set me free from what held me captive and removed the yoke of the enemy from me.

ALL the chains that held me broke. All the demonic spirits I had entangled myself with HAD to flee in the presence of my Savior.

I can tell you that Jesus is THE ANSWER!

Burning Ouija Board and Witchcraft Paraphernalia.

Carrie told me, ‘After coming to Jesus, several ministers helped her burn her Ouija Board, and around a dozen contractor trash bags full of books and ritual robes she had. Part of breaking curses from such defiled objects is to burn them as described throughout the Bible,’ Laura Maxwell.

Book of Acts 19:19

‘Also, many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totalled fifty thousand pieces of silver.’

Carried continues, ‘I will tell you at the end of this post where you can read more of my testimony and others who have been saved out of darkness if you would be interested in hearing it in a more complete form, as this is not what the Lord has led me to concentrate on in this post.

Significance Of A Verse.

The scripture I began this post with is Lamentations 4:12 and holds so much truth about the warning I am going to give you. In this verse that the Lord showed me, the people did not believe that their adversary and enemy could enter their gates. That is where we are so deceived. They were not being watchful and vigilant. They believed foolishly that the enemy could not sneak in…

What if someone came into your home uninvited with the intention to do harm to you and your family? What would you do?

Would you laugh it off, think it is no big deal? Would you just sit back and allow the harm to happen?

Absolutely not! You would never allow an enemy in! So, my question is, why do we allow the very enemy and adversary of our souls to sneak in? Why? Because we are not watching for him.

We are no longer vigilant. We have allowed things that are dark to come into our lives because it is portrayed as innocent.

Satan is NOT going to announce his arrival… he is NOT going to give you warning that he is coming… he is not going to come at you in all his evilness so that you will recognize who he is.

No! He is going to sliver his way in through the door that you cracked open. He is cunning, disguising himself as “harmless” when he is anything but.

A Loving Warning To Christians.

When it comes to Halloween, the dark images of demons, devils, murderers, witches, etc is everywhere. Haunted houses that want you to experience fear, ghost tours inviting you to come to experience “spirit” activity, parties where a spirit board is pulled out for some Halloween fun, etc.

Even with the dark history and practices that occur during this time are well known, some string these decorations up and dress their children up in images that are clearly spoken against in God’s Word.

Some may laugh at that, or think it is being hateful or ridiculous to make such a big deal of this, but it truly is a big deal.

By allowing these things in your life, you are saying that what God’s Word says about portraying these evil representations does not matter.

You are opening a door by what you watch, what you listen to, what you allow in your life and home. IF you put on a movie and it is portraying witchcraft as innocent, or it is speaking spells then you are making innocent the very things that God’s Word speaks against. You are allowing the enemy in. And he has full intentions to kill, steal and destroy. John 10:10.

We should be vigilant, keeping a careful watch for any possible dangers, with eyes like a hawk.

Satan will use any decoy he can to try and get in. A decoy is used to lure away, attracting and tempting you into a trap. All he needs is for you to accept his device, just give him the slightest opening. Let us be aware of his devices.

Be aware of what you allow and expose yourself and your children to. I encourage you to compare it to the Word of God, which is the ultimate authority, and see what God has to say about it.

It is not because God wants to keep you from fun, but because He loves you and wants you to be His peace and fullness of joy.

Just as you would have your child avoid things you know will harm them that is exactly how God feels about YOU!

God wants you to avoid darkness because He loves and cares for you. He is protecting you from the evil that could enter through an open gate.

Carrie with her Bible.

Seek God and His Truth.

Seek God’s Word and let it reveal to you how God feels about these things. You may not take me seriously with this, but that is up to you.

I tell you these things from someone who was snared by one of the devices of satan. I speak from years spent in bondage to witchcraft. Someone who studied and served satan with all that was in me, and I want to open your eyes to his schemes. I do not take lightly the fact that the enemy can sneak in and neither should you.

Light has NO fellowship with darkness! (Ephesians 5:11) Not today, not tomorrow, or on Halloween! 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22, ‘Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil’.

The Compassion Of Former Occultists.

This post was hard to write as the enemy has battled me this whole time I have tried. I apologize if it is jumbled but I speak from a heart that loves the Lord and wants to see the enemy defeated. I desire to spread the gospel of Jesus and that His blood will set your free from bondage.

I do not want satan to entice anyone else into his darkness. Therefore I speak out. I pray these words cause you to consider the effects of allowing darkness into your life. It is not just on Halloween, but every day.

Satan is on a rampage in this world today. You can see it everywhere you look. Witchcraft, satanism, necromancy is all over your tv, children’s movies, music… We MUST be discerning of what we are exposing ourselves to! Just because the world makes these things seem harmless, God’s Word says otherwise. We are to think upon things that are good and pure, not fearful and evil (Philippians 4:8).

Fill yourself with God’s Word and draw near to God. Stay vigilant, with eyes like a hawk!’

By Ex Satanist, Carrie Christian,

Carrie Christian Today.

‘A wonderful transformation inside and outside by the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!’ Laura Maxwell.

1 Thessalonians 5:21-22, ‘Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil’.

More Details.

Hear more of Carrie’s compelling story in her podcast interview

Also, an article in Charisma Magazine, by JENNY ROSE SPAUDO


Book Details.

Carrie’s story is also featured in my good friend, Ex Witch, Ally Towers’ book, From The Craft To Christ. See below:



As I’d said at the start of this post, I asked Carrie Christian, to share her testimony on my blog a few years ago. As an ex occultist myself, I share her views and am very grateful she submitted it. Laura Maxwell, Ex New Age Spiritualist. You can see it here:

Carrie Secretly Worked For A Satanist Coven While High Priestess In Her Witchcraft Coven: She Reveals All.


Laura Maxwell‘s Note:

If you look at the menu at the top of my blog, you’ll see the heading H’een. Under it is a list of articles, tv and radio shows where myself and other former occultists discussed Halloween.




Satanic Ritual Abuse 


Animal Sacrifice 

Blood Sacrifice 




Laura Maxwell does not necessarily agree with all the information and conclusions presented by guest articles or friends on her blog, TV or radio interviews she speaks on, or  on her own podcasts.

Many thanks for taking time to read and share the above post. For similar posts or details on Laura Maxwell, please see below.

About Laura Maxwell.

Former New Age Spiritualist,Lauragraduated from Strathclyde University, Scotland, earning a BA Honors degree in Psychology.

For Laura’s TV and Radio Shows, publications, speaking engagements, etc, please see her blog at https://ourspiritualquest.com/about/

FOR SPIRITUAL ADVICE OR HELP: https://ourspiritualquest.com/adviceprayer/contact/

Laura is not paid for writing in books, magazines or appearing on TV, radio or at events. All of her work is of a voluntary nature.

Click on this LINK to see some of her TV interviews.

During a LIVE show on Revelation TV – satellite across Europe, USA and beyond. Plus online.

Email: laura.maxwell@protonmail.com


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About Laura Maxwell

Speaker | Author | Radio Host. (Ex New Age Spiritualist). From her inside knowledge and experience as an ex new age spiritualist, Laura shares the truth and dangers of New Age, Witchcraft and the Occult, plus their Luciferian, Lucis Trust and UN links to the New World Order's global spiritual agenda. Laura graduated from Strathclyde University with a BA Honors degree in Psychology. She is the founder of international ministry A Spiritual Quest, based in Scotland. For her TV and radio shows, blog, publications, etc, see http://OurSpiritualQuest.com
This entry was posted in Channeling, Dead People, Deliverance, Divination, Halloween, Hauntings, Luciferianism, Mediums, Necromancy, Occult, Sacrifices, Samhain, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Seance, Spirits & Ghosts, Spiritualism, Testimonies, The New Age, The Ouija Board, Voodoo, Wicca, witch, Witchcraft and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Halloween: Ex Satanist’s Warnings, Carrie Shares Openly.

  1. Pingback: Ex Satanic High Priestess Carrie in Halloween Issue of The Good News, UK Paper. | Our Spiritual Quest

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