Global Mass Spell Binding Ritual On Trump & His Supporters Attempted Tonite by all types of Witchcraft Groups.

Mass Ritual Spells Attempted On Trump

Mass Ritual Spells Attempted On Trump

mass ritual spells-attempted-on-trump

mass ritual spells attempted on trump

Laura Maxwell‘s Comments: Apart from Trump and his supporters, the folks involved in performing the ‘binding spells’ also need prayer, if God leads you to! Whether they regard themselves as new agers, pagans, shamans, white witches or dark witches, or spiritual seekers of any type, it’s heartbreaking.

As a former new age spiritualist myself, I’ve known and heard of countless former witches and so on over the last 20+ years. (Please browse my blog, YouTube channel and radio shows for many of their true stories).

Collectively, we feel anyone using witchcraft, etc, is unknowingly dealing with demonic forces that will ultimately eventually backfire on them, their families and their descendants, even many, many years later.

Witchcraft Ritual

Witchcraft Ritual

But it’s not just the well intentioned new age, white witches, pagan or esoteric groups taking part, the darker occultic and evil satanic groups who literally do participate in human/animal sacrifices are involved too.


The Satanic Calendar

The 24-25th February is a very important date on the Satanic calendar, a date that involves perverse and criminal activity. (Google the Satanic calendar, if you don’t believe me). What does that tell you? Planning the mass ritual on this date is NO coincidence!


Those from very dark backgrounds who escaped covens and cults have taught for generations that Presidents and other leaders are targeted for supernatural attack, if not actually recruited into the covens or secret societies themselves! Attempting to cast spells, hexes, voodoo curses, etc, upon them is a given.


During presidential inaugurations rituals are done on behalf of the leaders.  As well as such inaugurations themselves, other events like The Superbowl, Grammy Awards, etc, serve as a visible ritual by them. It is deeper than most know. They consider Washington DC as one huge ritual altar for them and wickedness does occur there.


Katy Perry – Ritual Symbolism at Grammy Awards


These folks simply do these things because IT WORKS! These are clever people who just wouldn’t waste time on rituals that are NOT effective or powerful.

I pray they come to God and get set free from demon powers. Please hear me friends, those of you who are witches, etc, this is from the bottom of my heart, I’m not saying this as a self-righteous goody two shoes either.

As Ex Occultist myself, I’ve tried both sides of the fence and God’s side is better. Unknown to the participants themselves, New Age, white witchcraft, etc, is actually empowered by satan, just as much as evil forms of satanism is. It’s actually all a demonic deception. It may look good and promise light, love and peace, but it’s actually sugar coated poison.

Plus, whether you feel Trump is working for God, or Satan, or just for himself… whether he’s a good guy or a bad guy, the main point is using binding spells or curses against people, may actually harm/backfire on you as much as it may harm them. Even if you feel your intentions are good, trying to control, manipulate or affect the free will of another person through spiritual means is actually dangerous ground.

Hear testimonies of Ex Occultists for the truth on this whole issue!

Jesus taught us to bless and pray for leaders and even our enemies, not to perform binding spells or curse them.

“First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered on behalf of all men for kings and all those in authority, so that we may lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and dignity. This is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, …” (1 Timothy 2:1-3)

I pray society wakes up and rather than seeing this mass cursing Trump ritual as a joke will receive a divine revelation; that God is trying to show them the realities of occult practices and thus therefore that He Himself is real too. He is alive, that He loves you and wants to set you free, bless you and use you to love and bless others in Jesus’ lovely name.

Believers, let’s firstly forgive everyone who casts spells or curses others, we must pray for them in love, not in a judgmental way.

Please pray, if God leads you to, everyone involved will see the light and love of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and accept Him as their precious Saviour and Lord. Romans 2:4 … It is the kindness of God that leads you to repentance…

Laura Maxwell


Regarding the calendar posted above, ex satanists and victims of satanic ritual abuse will testify the dates can overlap. Often in fact the ceremonies just continue from the previous one to the next day, so such calendars are more of an approximate guide. Plus days that aren’t included in the calendar are often still very dark, as they are making preparations or abducting animals, etc, for the date itself. Possibly the date for ‘binding Trump’ may also have been chosen with relation to occult numerology too, as certain numbers are important in many occult, cult and secret society groups. Not that I want any of us to focus on these horrible things….but just felt it right to raise awareness and encourage folks to pray, if they felt lead to by God.

mass ritual spells-attempted-on-trump

mass ritual spells-attempted-on-trump

Mass Ritual Spells Attempted On Trump

Mass Ritual Spells Attempted On Trump


Laura Maxwell


Many thanks for taking time to read and share the above post. For similar posts please visit Laura’s blog Our Spiritual Quest.

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Laura Maxwell does not necessarily agree with all the information and conclusions presented by friends, guest articles on her blog, TV or radio interviews or her own radio show.

Laura is not paid for writing in books, magazines or appearing on TV, radio or at events. All of her work is of a voluntary nature.

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About Laura Maxwell

Speaker | Author | Radio Host. (Ex New Age Spiritualist). From her inside knowledge and experience as an ex new age spiritualist, Laura shares the truth and dangers of New Age, Witchcraft and the Occult, plus their Luciferian, Lucis Trust and UN links to the New World Order's global spiritual agenda. Laura graduated from Strathclyde University with a BA Honors degree in Psychology. She is the founder of international ministry A Spiritual Quest, based in Scotland. For her TV and radio shows, blog, publications, etc, see
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3 Responses to Global Mass Spell Binding Ritual On Trump & His Supporters Attempted Tonite by all types of Witchcraft Groups.

  1. DeAnna Tyree says:

    Don’t be absurd. A binding is not a curse. It is akin to a protection spell. The craft has rules and the majority of us abide by them, live by them. We seek to protect all of the beautiful creatures, people and the environment. We are not cursing Trump.
    We are binding him from destroying the Goddess’s creations.
    BlessedBe )0(


    • I’ve seen the ‘spell’ and what a brain dead joke it is, it calls on demons so you cannot palm it off as a ‘wicca’ type thing. It is nothing more than a role play game in a halloween type setting. Stick to playing dungeons&dragons with butch, naked, tattooed post-gender lesbians.


    • Nag Hammadi says:

      How’s that working out for ya?


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